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splash archive
Experiments with the ctrlaltdel index page. In times where webpages of (net) artists became more and more listings of works and cv's, I started to experiment with splash pages again. Not only as a statement against uniformity of the (net) artists page but also to get back the pace and suprise that a lot of websites had 6 to 10 years ago. I started from 10 january 2004 to experiment with the use of the ctrlaltdel index page and (temporarily) stopped at 06 february 2005.

*note: for extensive information on the individual splash pages take a look at their source code.

splash pages
Google Search: netart.swf 06 feb 2005 - html - 18 kb
hex painting 23 aka Do It Yourself (frames) - after Warhol 15 august 2004 - html - 15 kb
radio buttons prt 1838110931 06 august 2004 - flash - 2 kb
instant revelation 01 august 2004 - dhtml - 3 kb
autoscrolling radiobuttons 24 july 2004 - javascript - 21 kb
ctrlaltdel click click click 20 july 2004 - javascript - 20 kb
attack of the gigant pixels (inversed) 16 july 2004 - flash - 3 kb
attack of the gigant pixels 14 july 2004 - flash - 3 kb
zdwe [16 toon/ pan] 15 march 2004 - flash - 5 kb
%20underscore 12 march 2004 - javascript - 3 kb
windowlifter 10 march 2004 - flash - 5 kb
scrollbars stacked 08 march 2004 - gif picture: 121 slices - total 76 kb
Symphony for Scrollbars || Overture 05 march 2004 - streaming flash - 652 kb
net art or netart? a strategy for searchengines 03 march 2004 - html - 2 kb
The Savage Curtain aka What the hell is Abraham Linkoln? 01 march 2004 - flash - 157 kb
Miltos Manetas descending a staircase no. 351 28 feb 2004 - flash - 21 kb
Super Pixelated Mario Clouds 27 feb 2004 - flash - 90 kb
noclick.noctrlaltdel.noise 26 feb 2004 - flash - 8 kb
net art wars explained for art critics (and those who want to be) 24 feb 2004 - html - 4 kb
net art wars 23 feb 2004 - flash - 37 kb
algo r 21 feb 2004 - flash - 27 kb
skipintro98.swf 99% appropriation 19 feb 2004 - flash - 240 kb
7-11 series 03 17 feb 2004 - html - 27 kb
7-11 series 02 12 feb 2004 - html - 27 kb
7-11 series 01 11 feb 2004 - html - 28 kb
sub 01 hack 07 feb 2004 - flash - 15 kb
brouwer 18 02 feb 2004 - flash - 8 kb
T-GM v. 2.05 27 jan 2004 - flash - 6 kb
GDF 09 19 jan 2004 - flash - 33 kb
edv #3 build 170104 10 jan 2004 - flash - 106 kb